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Self-directed projects

Overstimulation Hoodie

My Overstimulation Hoodie is a hoodie I designed with specialized features meant to help calm someone dealing with overstimulation.

Overstimulation Hoodie-Construction

After I finished the research for my overstimulation hoodie design I turned to the Construction.


Projects built into my school's

7 Elements

The 7 Elements of Design project revolved around designing 3 different looks that each highlighted 2 of the 7 elements of fashion design.

Designing for a Designer

The Designing for a Designer project I researched a dead designer and sketched my own design inspired by the designer.

Water Pollution Designs Project

My Water Pollution Project is a collection of 6 designs that where made to address the impact Fast Fashion has on our waters.

Water Waste Pants-Construction

My Water Waste Pants is a construction project where I made an outfit from my previous water pollution project. I made an outfit that symbolizes how Fast fashion is greatly wasteful of water. 

Newspaper Project

My Newspaper Project is about creating a skirt with a newpaper-print pattern that highlights human rights issues within the US.

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